english in the bottom
Festivál boot ida hodi selebra arte nia papel no abilidade atu halo transformasaun iha prosesu Harii Nasaun no espresaun Demokrátiku iha loron 24 to 31 fulan Agosto
2014 ma'ak lansamentu ARTE PUBLIKU! – Inaugurasau Timor-Leste annual ARTE PUBLIKU FESTIVAL.
ARTE PÚBLIKU! Mak Timor-Leste nia festivál Públiku ba dahuluk, nebe haree liu ba arte nia abilidade atu halo impaktu no ninia relavansia iha parte igualdade sosiál, kulturál no ekonomia. ARTE PÚBLIKU! sei inklui arte foun, arte ne’ebé ema hameno, no arte ne’ebé livre no loke, atu provoka ita-nia imajinasaun no estimula debate kona-ba kestaun justisa sosiál nebe inklui (maibé la limita ba) Timor oan nia esperiensia dezde Independensia no saida mak arte.
ARTE PUBLIKU! sei fornese ambiente dinamika ida hodi fahe hanoin kona-ba arte, halo kolaborasaun, workshop no edukasaun ba artista, fasilitadór, estudante no públiku, no ramata ho espozisaun, eventu no arte performansia iha loron tolu nia laran iha Dili, kapitál Timor-Leste. Festivál ne’e atu inklui no haforsa relasaun entre artista hosi Timor-Leste no viziñu nebe besik liu, hanesan Australia no Indonezi, nasaun ne’ebé iha ligasaun naruk no kompleks ho istória no progresu dezenvolvimentu Timor-Leste nian. Parte workshop iha festivál ne’e sei fasilita diálogu rejionál no entre jerasaun sira kona-ba arte, kreatividade, ativizmu no partisipasaun demokrátika iha Timor-Leste ne’ebé livre iha dezenvolvimentu nia laran. Workshop sira ne’e mos atu informa estratéjia atu halao kolaborasaun kreativu ne’ebé forte liu tan iha rejiaun ne’e.
Obrigado barak ba kolega sira hotu nebe hatama ona sira nia aplikasi atu partisipa iha ARTE PUBLIKU! Ami atu fo tempu oituan tan tamba kolega balu dehan seidauk iha tempu mais hakarak hatama. Entaun, kolega sira nebe seidauk hatama agora iha loron 6 tan (to’o 26 Julhu) atu enxe formulario no haruka mai ami. Sei hakarak halo aprezentasaun no hola parte hanesan parte ida hosi Festivál ne’e, favor click link ida nee>> atu bele enxe formulariu no haruka mai ami. Loron ikus atu hatama aplikasi mak 26 Julhu 2014
Obrigado barak ba kolega sira hotu nebe hatama ona sira nia aplikasi atu partisipa iha ARTE PUBLIKU! Ami atu fo tempu oituan tan tamba kolega balu dehan seidauk iha tempu mais hakarak hatama. Entaun, kolega sira nebe seidauk hatama agora iha loron 6 tan (to’o 26 Julhu) atu enxe formulario no haruka mai ami. Sei hakarak halo aprezentasaun no hola parte hanesan parte ida hosi Festivál ne’e, favor click link ida nee>> atu bele enxe formulariu no haruka mai ami. Loron ikus atu hatama aplikasi mak 26 Julhu 2014
Atu hatene tan informasaun, vizita ami nia pagina iha: For more information visit our page:
2014 is the launch of ARTE PUBLIKU! – Timor-Leste’s inaugural, annual Public Art Festival.
ARTE PUBLIKU! is Timor-Leste’s first Public Art Festival, highlighting the power and relevance of art in the search for social, cultural and economic equality. ARTE PUBLIKU! will include new, commissioned, sanctioned and unsanctioned works, provoking our imagination and stimulating debate on social justice issues including (but not limited to) the Timorese experience since Independence and what art can be.
ARTE PUBLIKU! will deliver a dynamic environment for artistic exchange, collaboration, workshops and education for artists, facilitators, students and the public, ending with a series of citywide exhibitions, events, performances and interventions over three days in Dili, Timor-Leste’s capital. The festival will collaborate and effect lasting exchanges with artists from Timor’s nearest neighbours, Australia and Indonesia, countries whose governments are entwined in Timor-Leste’s history and current development progress. The workshop series and festival will facilitate intergenerational and regional dialogue around art, creativity, activism, and democratic participation in a free and developing Timor-Leste and inform enduring strategies towards greater creative collaboration across the region.
Thanks to everyone who put in their applications to take part in ARTE PUBLIKU! We are extending the submission deadline for six more days as we have had a few late inquiries and want to make sure ya’ll have a chance to submit! So, until the 26th of July we will be accepting submissions from artists and groups from across Timor-Leste and internationally to present their work for the Festival. If you or you group would like to be present as part of the festival, please download the application form here>> Last date to apply is 26 July 2014
For more information visit our page:
Republished by Dalia Kiakilir
Oxford, July 22 2014
Thanks to everyone who put in their applications to take part in ARTE PUBLIKU! We are extending the submission deadline for six more days as we have had a few late inquiries and want to make sure ya’ll have a chance to submit! So, until the 26th of July we will be accepting submissions from artists and groups from across Timor-Leste and internationally to present their work for the Festival. If you or you group would like to be present as part of the festival, please download the application form here>> Last date to apply is 26 July 2014
For more information visit our page:
Republished by Dalia Kiakilir
Oxford, July 22 2014
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