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terça-feira, 25 de dezembro de 2012

Merry Christmas & A Happy New Year To All!

A sweet moment and full of meaning to our lives. It is time to rethink values​​, to ponder life and everything that surrounds it. It's time to let this child be born pure, innocent and full of hope that dwells within our hearts. It's always time to contemplate that poor boy, born in a manger, to make us understand that the human being is worth what it is and does, and never for what you have. Christian Night, where joy fills our hearts bringing peace and harmony. Christmas is a festive day and hope that your look might be facing a greater feast, the feast of the birth of Christ into your heart.

This Christmas you and your family feel even stronger the meaning of love, that brings rays of light that illuminate your way and transform your heart every day, doing what you always live very happily. It is also time to redo plans, reconsider the mistakes and resume the path to a life increasingly happy. We will have other opportunities to tell 365 to life, we really want to be fully happy. We want to live every day, every hour and every minute to its fullest, as if it were your last. What we seek renewal and the great miracles of life every moment. Every New Year is the time to be reborn, to flourish, to live again. Enjoy this coming year to accomplish all your dreams!

Merry Christmas & A Happy  New  Year To All!

Momentu furak nakonu ho signifikadu ba ita nia moris. Tempu atu hanoin hikas valores, pondera vida no buat hotu nebe hale'u ita. Momentu atu hare kosok-oan nia moris pura, inosente no nakonu ho esperansa nebe hela iha ita nia fuan-laran. Tempu atu kontempla kosok ki'ak oan ne'e, nebe moris iha menjedoura, ba ita atu hatene katak nudar ema-moris (ser humano) vale tuir nia-an no saida mak nia halo, no nunka ho saida mak nia possui ka iha-ba. Kalan sarani nian, nebe ksolok invade ita nia fuan-laran lori-ho dame no harmonia. Natal ne'e loron festa no hein katak hare hanesan festa bo'ot ida, festa Cristo nia moris iha fuan-laran.

Katak Natal ne'e ita ho familia sente forte liu tan ho signifikadu liafuan domin, nebe lori rai-lakan nebe haroman ita nia dalan no transforma ita nia coracao loron-loron, halo ita moris hela deit ho haksolok wa'in. Nunemos tempu para halo hikas planu, reconsiderar os equivocos no retoma hikas dalan ba moris ksolok diak liu tan. Ita iha 365 oportunidades foun seluk tan atu dehan konaba moris, nebe de facto ita hakarak feliz duni. Katak ita hakarak moris iha cada dia, cada hora e cada minuto em sua plenitude, como se fosse o ultimo. Katak ita hakarak renovasaun no buka-tuir milagre bo'ot sira iha moris a cada instante. Tinan Foun oras atu moris hikas fali (renascer), atu hafunan (florecer), atu moris foun. Aproveita tinan ne'e nebe to'o mai dadauk ona atu realiza hotu ita nia mehi! 

Ksolok Natal no Prospero Tinan Foun ba Ita Hotu! 

Dalia Kiakilir Agostinho
London, 25 Dezembro 2012

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