Ami Hakarak Avo Nana
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sexta-feira, 21 de novembro de 2014

How I lost 30kg in 2 months!

I was only 65kg when I found out I was 4weeks pregnant.

My pregnancy wasn't very easy as I was struggling a lot to control my diet ( this means not to eat junk food and all the time), I felt like I was a "foodcoholic" I was depending on food all the time, I was always hungry...

As result I've put 30kg on my weight at the end of 9 months of pregnancy, from size 8 I went to size 20 I was weighting 95kg...

After I had my baby In September the 8th, I looked at myself in the mirror and saw that I wasn't looking to the same person I was once...

So I decided to start my diet... A very crazy diet... And it was easier because i wasn't breast feeding.

I refused to have my meals completely.... But still managed to eat, of course.

So ladies what I did , no solids only liquid, in my case I only had vegetable soup but just half of the portion...

In the morning at 6a.m. I had coffee and oatmeal porridge

At lunch half cup of vegetable soup and coffee

Dinner only coffee and half of an avocado... I suggest to have this before 7p.m

I suggest only drink water or green tea during the day If you feel hungry, and coffee with no sugar... Coffee is just to boost your energy...

This is How i managed to Lose weight... And of course because my baby needed to be fed every 2 hours, i think this helped me a lot to put down the Weight as it was as If i was doing exercise looking after the baby all the time not have any time to myself not even to rest.... Bless him my little angel...

Today i have the same Weight that i had before, 65 kg.... But i want to lose more 10kg and reach 55kg... Although i allready started having my meals but healthy meals (small portions fat and sugar free) i havent managed yet to Lose any more Weight because i feel my body started the starvation mode not allowing to Lose weight... So i'll give more time to my body, about 2 weeks and will start my deit again, because i want to fit in a beautiful dress that i fancy a lot for christmas :)

To avoid people using my pictures for unauthorized purposes, i will not post any of my pictures here... But will on christmas with the news If i managed or not to Lose 10kg more...

Thank you ladies,

Remember, no pain no gain or no sacrifice no results...

Good will for who's trying to Lose more Weight as me , keep up with Good work and feel free to share your stories

Dalia Kiakikir Agostinho
Oxford, November 21, 2014

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